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Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:24 pm
by Kimbles(imported)
Well, I finally got around to unboxing and testing mine...XD Pretty cool!

(More pictures and how they work)

To explain a bit better, each Denjuu has a box that sits inside with wheels and a motor to make it roll...XD (It takes one AA battery and has an on/off switch on the bottom.) The Denjuu's heads are spring loaded so that they'll pop up easily, and the motors are designed so that they only roll when the head is all the way down. *nod* You can also move their arms up and down, and their tails side to side which might affect their balance... Their mouths are also spring-loaded to stay open when their heads pop off. D:


Kind of disturbing. XD Weirdly, Crypto has an issue where he'll stop on his own after a second or two of rolling, probably because his head doesn't go down nearly far enough and it's shaking loose from the head-on-motor button. :/ He has a slightly different design from the other 3, so I'm wondering if this is a problem with all Cryptos, or if mine's just faulty... My Gymnos's motor seems to be totally dead too, so maybe the quality control was bad or something. *sigh* (Luckily you can swap them between Denjuu, so it doesn't really matter. XD)


There are three types of wheels you can use...XD They all come with "normal" wheels attached (the middle set there, with two small nubs on each wheel), plus one set of extra wheels. Crypto and Gymnos get power-type wheels (left one, with one large nub instead), while Fungus and Angios get speed-type wheels (right one, with no nubs and more grip). The normal wheels shake a lot, which makes the Denjuu move slowly and change direction on its own. XD The power wheels are similar, but they make it shake even more... They're also really loud if you use them on a hard surface, which is basically the only place they will work anyway. *sigh* XD The speed wheels are quieter and make the Denjuu take off at high speed in a (mostly) straight line... All of the wheels seem pretty prone to spinning in circles, and there's actually a switch on the bottom of the battery packs to change the tilt of the wheels and make it spin in a particular direction. I'm really surprised they made the toys this elaborate, even if they still don't work very well. ^^;


Lastly, each one comes with its own super-tiny D-Shot, and two, uh... signals to shoot. XD (The instructions say they're supposed to be wireless waves, which is awesome.) You peg them into the antenna and push a button on the side to fire them... They have weights inside which can slide around slightly and make a clicka-clicka noise, which is interesting I guess, except I'm pretty sure it actually makes it fly worse... XD Apparently you're supposed to try to bean Denjuu in the face to make their heads come off, just like with real cellphone signals. :D
So all in all I'm pretty impressed with these, and I'm still amazed you actually managed to find them...XD They have some major flaws, but it's really cool seeing the only Telefang toys they ever made. ^^

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:53 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
I think the reason some of the figures might not be working is because they're old and have been kept in storage for so long ^^; The description didn't say much about the condition they were in as far as my understanding of Japanese goes. It was a really lucky find, since just one figure is rare. A whole lot of them is like a once in a lifetime thing. I kind of wonder if something like that will show up again so soon x3 Though, I did see an Angios figure up for sale recently, but I don't know if it was sold or the auction ended with no bidders.

Your write-up about the figures is really good. I haven't had the chance to test mine yet, but I kinda like them just as non-moveable figures too (plus i'm worried they'll be battle scarred if I let them loose on each other) x3

I thought the little green magnet things were cell phone waves, but they kind of look like spinning tops to me xD It's funny when the denjuu's mouths pop open too, it's like they're opening them ready for food to be put in (probably curry, i'm guessing x3), or they're going 'ahhhh!' like they're at the dentist xD

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:46 am
by RacieB
Oh yeah, I kept forgetting to upload this...

Curry reunion party!!

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:58 am
by Diamond(imported)

That looks tasty !

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:51 am
by RacieB
It's Korma curry sauce if anybody wants to try it themselves, super good and coconutty and not spicy =P I just cook a bunch of chicken, mix it in there, and dump it on rice.

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:15 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
That looks yummy! I'm so glad that Gymnos could join them for curry (I love how Crypto has the fork in his hand). Maybe I should post mine with some curry sometime? ^_^

Also, I nearly managed to snag this lot of 28 Telefang figures today but was outbid at the last second by a Japanese bidder. I'm a little gutted, but oh well... :-/

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:26 pm
by Kimbles(imported)
Whoa, that's crazy. XD
Do you live in Japan or something? XD I can't even imagine the shipping on that...

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:34 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
I actually used a proxy service to bid on the auction. I was outbid while I was asleep...that's always the way it happens! xD Because i'd had no competition the last time I bid on Telefang figures and no one had bid in the last 16 hours of the auction I thought maybe I was going to win them, but obviously not x3 I think the Japanese bidders on Yahoo! Japan are known for sniping though. Plus I was a little naive to think i'd have no competition since there's still interest in Telefang in Japan... but it can't be helped I guess.

It's such a lot of figures though. It's over double the number I bought the first time and sold to you guys (the lot i'd won was 13 figures). There were no Fungus figures though, only Crypto, Gymnos and Angios. It was such a good find because it was so cheap too. That's why the bulk lots of figures are the ones to look out for. I'll keep an eye out for more if they turn up, which i'm sure they will if lots like these still appear ^^

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:43 pm
by RacieB
Am I reading that right, it went for 510 yen for ALL of them?! When I bought mine, I got them from Rakuten at 100 yen apiece and had to buy 5 for the 500 yen minimum. I think the shipping came out to around $30 for just those, too.

Re: Telefang figures! *with pics*

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:35 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
Yep, it was 500 yen for all of them. They were sold off in bulk by the seller because it was old shop stock.

They don't sell Telefang figures on Rakuten anymore unfortunately. It seems that Yahoo! Japan is the best bet for them at the moment since they still appear there, but they show up very rarely so you have to keep an eye out. I usually check every day ^^