Telefang Challenges

Discuss anything about the wonderful GBC Telefang games here!
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Re: Telefang Challenges

Post by Tkallab(imported) »

Maybe you heard of this in another game. Maybe you even tried it once. Challenges!
An example of a challenge is the Nuzlocke challenge for Pokemon: You may only catch the first pokemon you meet in an area (If you defeat is, you don't get a second chance to catch someone else) and if a pokemon is defeated, you must release it, as it is considered dead.

So I came up with this idea: I'll make a Telefang challenge!

I dub thee the Tulunk Challenge.

Here are the rules:
If a Denjuu is defeated, you must delete his phone number.
You can only get the phone number of any member of an evolution tree once. So If you get Oshe's number, you can't get another Oshe's number, and you also can't get the number of one of Oshe's evolutions, even if you deleted his number first. You can evolve that Oshe, though.
No resetting if you lose a denjuu.
If you lose a battle, it's game over and you have to start over again.
No cheating, obviously.
No secret phone numbers.
Challenge is completed when you beat Doomsday.

I'll start with this challenge tomorrow, and I'm gonna make a webcomic reporting on my status. Or maybe not... Busy busy.

Anyone interested in taking the challenge too?
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:25 pm

Re: Telefang Challenges

Post by jlun2 »

wrote:If you lose a battle, it's game over and you have to start over again.
wrote:No resetting if you lose a denjuu.

I'm sorry, but how is anyone going to lose a denjuu if they can't lose a battle? I thought Denjuu can only be lost by deleteing it or by losing.
Posts: 113
Joined: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:09 am

Re: Telefang Challenges

Post by Tkallab(imported) »

I meant if your denjuu gets beaten, you have to delete it and not reset the game.

'cuz I would do that if there wasn't a rule against it.

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:44 am

Re: Telefang Challenges

Post by Locololo(imported) »

i might try this on telefang 2... but that rule on the no secret denjuu kills my guranti...and how will i get koikaru without being super stealthty *thinking and forgetting what im currently doing* if i connect instead a horn here i could make my wire scorpion look like kingpin... sorry got sidetracked
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