Monster Race

Even though Telefang is a great game, there are other great games out there! Discuss games other than Telefang in this forum.
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Re: Monster Race

Post by RacieB »

Hmm, I have a Dreamcast, I wonder if that's any good...?
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Re: Monster Race

Post by KenjutheDenjuu(imported) »

There's a video of Animastar here on Youtube if you're interested.
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Re: Monster Race

Post by RacieB »

Yeah, I looked it up and watched that one after I'd posted. It reminds me a lot of Monster Rancher 2 from that sample (probably the monster designs.)
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Re: Monster Race

Post by andwhyisit »

She's a Witch! wrote:Yeah. I didn't get very far because I did actually wanna buy it instead of emulating it, but I haven't found a copy ANYWHERE(then again, i haven't looked xD). I haven't played any of the previous games, but this one was indeed very fun. ~!&LH_AvailTo=15&_dmpt=AU_PC_Video_Games_Games&_odkw=monster+race&_osacat=1249&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313
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Re: Monster Race

Post by KenjutheDenjuu(imported) »

I think She's a Witch! was actually looking for the DS Monster Race game, I already posted a link above. Hit-Japan has the first two gameboy games in your link though, looks like they're complete as well. The games come with a map of the overworld and there's something like a chart on the back (detailing type effectiveness I think?).
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Re: Monster Race

Post by DeKaFu »

I've played the English DS game quite a bit. I think it's absolutely hilarious that it's set in the "real" world, and all the dungeons and such are based on real locations (Wow, uh, I don't remember Niagara Falls looking quite like this...)

Another feature that's cool in it is "Exotic" monsters, kind of equivilant to "Shiny" Pokémon, only much much much less rare. They're alternate-colour versions of the monsters that turn up rarely, are generally much better, and usually have a different element.

This is also the game that I use as my personal baseline for horrible monster names. Bandicute the bandicoot? Bamboozil the panda? Cuboom?

Just...Cuboom. It's a tiger cub.

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Re: Monster Race

Post by KenjutheDenjuu(imported) »

Thanks for reminding me, I thought i'd heard of shiny 'exotic' monsters somewhere before.

The starter monsters in the DS game, Leafee/Phoechik/Cuboom, were originally called Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus after planets. I think some of the monster names might have been changed because they referenced some parts of mythology kids wouldn't know about and I guess the developers thought appearance related names would be easier to understand maybe? The same thing happened with Devil Children when they made it into Demikids for a US audience. The names are not bad, but I guess it depends on personal preference xD

EDIT: Oh, by the way, there's a Japanese wiki for Monster Racers DS here:
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Re: Monster Race

Post by AgentBJ09(imported) »

KenjutheDenjuu wrote:A neat little monster RPG by Koei where you race monsters and they join your team if you beat them in races. The aim of the game is to compete in and win the Very Best Cup and become the best Monster Racer. Each of the monsters have different elements and are good and bad at running on certain terrains such as grass or water etc. A nice feature is that you can switch out your monsters in the middle of races to change to ones better suited to the terrain you're on (or you can just stick to a monster you like). The monster has to slow down briefly to do this, however. The most recent game was Monster Racers for the DS, which is the most well known one outside of Japan since it got an English translation.
I saw this game a while back, and I was wondering if it was worth the price. Apparently it is, so I'll be sure to grab a new copy ASAP. Koei makes/publishes some of my favorite games on the market, and I really want to support this game.
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Re: Monster Race

Post by KenjutheDenjuu(imported) »

I recently started playing Monster Racers (I chose Leafee, the grass starter) and got to a place called Kamchatka. I think it's related to Russia? One thing I found out is that the monsters all have randomised skills (even the starters when you start the game) and you either end up with good or bad skills (some good, but mostly not so great ones, unless you get really lucky). Luckily the Leafee I started off with had Grass star (the best for running on grass) and Hyperspeed (speed +20). Because of the randomised skillsets, you have to reset to get the starter skills you want.

The racing in the games is pretty fun, although it's a little challenging at some points since the enemies level up faster than you do and always seem to run faster even if you have an advantage. It's relatively easy to train up though, although you'll have to train a lot because of how high the enemy levels jump between each level. Recruiting other monsters is a challenge as well (or frustration, depending on how you find the game). The terrain often works against you unless you can find a straight bit to fire Monstars at them. Exotics are also near impossible to catch because of how fast they are.

One annoying thing is when you try to jump a gap behind another monster and they somehow hit you on the head and you fall into a pit. This happens a fair bit since most of the races are usually close quarters. It also happens with turbos as well. Also, you slow down a lot if you fall and unfortunately the game unhelpfully places you right next to the edge of the pit, meaning you fall down it again because you don't have enough speed to clear the gap properly.

The game is pretty good otherwise, although I do dislike the randomised skill sets a little because you have to go through the slightly annoying process of catching two or three monsters to get a decent skillset.

In all, it's a lot of fun really, despite some of the things not being perfect. When it's not frustrating it's really enjoyable and addictive to play. The noises the monsters make when they start a race are really good, by the way. It brings back all the memories of listening to Pokedex cries in Pokemon ;_; *nostalgia*
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