I know. But I've come back. Tommorow I post next episode. I think that my first Fanfic here should be continued So First goal. End borther meet plot, next is Doomday Havoc. Later Diablos Havoc.
And yes. Long Time. No update since 4 years.
Denjuu Wrold Story <That same like E-Mon Wrold>
- Posts: 166
- Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:57 pm
Re: Denjuu Wrold Story
In Iris life was keep in peacefully tone. All T-Fangers and their friend training somewhere in the town.
"Can you told me about your brother?" Asked Ganraikou.
"My Brother... He was type of realist. He allways think that is impossible to exist other world like our human world"
"Nonsense" Said angried Ganraikou. "But, from other said. We also do not trust into human's existing beafore first from your kind do not come here"
"You know who is first human in Denjuu World?" I asked looking at Ganraikou Hair "Who was that one who come to this world and taking Antena Tree seed plant it in our world."
" Well Bartek. This is story about Sanaeba. He was bad person. But by you I know that not all humans are bad. Sanaeba as we know have pharmaceutical concern in your world. After discovering this world. He try change it into amusement park. Allowing kids to come for free and make payments for adults. No one know now where is Sanaeba. But we all remember disaster which he want send to this and your world"
" Disaster? About what are you talking?"
Ganraikou come closer to me and whishpering to my ear said.
" Doomsday. Demon Denjuu which leading by Sanaeba aspirantions want call yourself the god of both worlds"
" That was scared. Too good that someone stop him after do that. I do not wonder live in the world ruled by demon"
When we come close to Antena Tree leading to Kurinou Village i look at the top of them.
" Well Ganraikou. I thanks to god that Antena Tree on my hometown was do not cut down "
" Who want to do it? " Ganraikou asked me.
I show her an photo of my friends.
" Tom and Jan. They want do it. I don't know for why?"
" You have right Bartek Too good that they do not cut down that tree... When they do it. That mean's that you are stuck here without able to return to human world. Anyways. Once day you take me to your world?"
" Sure Ganraikou. After we found Antena Tree leading to my world i take you to my world Directly"
After we using my D-Shoot to transfer to Kurinou Village. One person in Bear Like costune come closer to us.
" You must come back. Kurinou Village is closed by Kakuza Party"
" WHAT! YOU ARE RETURNED BASTARDS!" Ganraikou start shouting.
" Calm down Ganraikou " I said to her " Explain me who the hell is that Kakuza Party?"
Grunt come closer to me.
" Listen me carefully kid. We are new owners of this world. Our leader. Lady Tabasco is going to be first female president of this world. We bring a shiny future! KAKUZA PARTY! KAKUZA PARTY!"
" Shut up! " I said angry " This world is ruled by Denjuu. And humans here are only guests. I do not allow you to take over this world idiots with stupid uniforms. I challenge you! "
Kakuza Party grunt only smiled
" You mean Telefang Battle? Sure. I accept your challenge " He take him D-Shoot " Suguri! Come here. We have an battle"
They do not must waiting so long for apperance of Kakuza Party friend.
" I'm ready to kick someone ass " Said Suguri looking rivilary at Ganraikou.
" Ok. Ganraikou. I know that you can help me."
" Sure Bartek " Ganraikou entered to battle filed " I do all my best "
Kakuza party member look at Suguri and Smiled.
" We seen an rokie T-Fanger. You do not known rules of Telefang Battle youngster. T-Fanger which lose must give number to last beaten Denjuu. So is nice to know that I can have in glory of our party your friend. Anyways. Suguri. Bite Ganraikou. That young Denjuu!"
Suguri do order of him friend. Ganraikou was hurt by teeths of foe.
" Think Bartek. What to do now... Going by similarities. Ganraikou looking like bird. Ganraikou! Use your beak. Try hit our foe in the head."
Ganraikou start runing toward Suguri and when jumped hit the Suguri into him head causing serious damage.
" Yes! You do it Ganraikou!"
" I know it Bartek. But our foe still stand on their legs. "
I start to think. Looking also by similarities method i resamblance colour of Ganraikou as an fire creature. But i know, that is sky Denjuu.
" We need to cause him burning " I said without more thinking. Ganraikou smiled.
" I can do something with that " After little focus she said " Time for Petal Strom "
My friend causing beautyfull storm of petal of flowers. But effect of them was suprised me. I've seen that Suguri was burned.
" Damit!" Kakuza party member shouted " Nevermind. Suguri! Use your strong Claws "
" Ok. " Suguri rushed to Ganraikou and attack her, but during them he feels pain by burnings."
" I think that we got him Ganraikou " I said with smile on face " Prepare Suguri Number Kakuza Minion. Ganraikou! Use Beak on the stomach of rival. "
As I said Ganraikou did. That move was succesfull becouse Ganraikou hits on the most burned part of Suguri Body. When they fainted me and Ganraikou was been happy.
" We did it my friend " I said happy " Our first Telefang Battle "
" Yep! And new friend was joined to us "
Kakuza Party member as rules said give the number of Suguri and after that earse it from Phonebook memory.
" You can be happy kid " He said " But I aware my friends to guard Northwest cave where is our leader " He run toward the village.
" We must stop them Bartek " Ganraikou said and come back to my arm.
" I Agree with you. Especialy that Tabasco. Come on. Let's go. We not alone in this battle!"
And we going now to the Northweast Cave. We seen on our way some Kakuzu Party Grunts which battling with Denjuu and T-Fangers which live there. They deffend from Invasion. But Invasion can be over only by beating leader.
"Can you told me about your brother?" Asked Ganraikou.
"My Brother... He was type of realist. He allways think that is impossible to exist other world like our human world"
"Nonsense" Said angried Ganraikou. "But, from other said. We also do not trust into human's existing beafore first from your kind do not come here"
"You know who is first human in Denjuu World?" I asked looking at Ganraikou Hair "Who was that one who come to this world and taking Antena Tree seed plant it in our world."
" Well Bartek. This is story about Sanaeba. He was bad person. But by you I know that not all humans are bad. Sanaeba as we know have pharmaceutical concern in your world. After discovering this world. He try change it into amusement park. Allowing kids to come for free and make payments for adults. No one know now where is Sanaeba. But we all remember disaster which he want send to this and your world"
" Disaster? About what are you talking?"
Ganraikou come closer to me and whishpering to my ear said.
" Doomsday. Demon Denjuu which leading by Sanaeba aspirantions want call yourself the god of both worlds"
" That was scared. Too good that someone stop him after do that. I do not wonder live in the world ruled by demon"
When we come close to Antena Tree leading to Kurinou Village i look at the top of them.
" Well Ganraikou. I thanks to god that Antena Tree on my hometown was do not cut down "
" Who want to do it? " Ganraikou asked me.
I show her an photo of my friends.
" Tom and Jan. They want do it. I don't know for why?"
" You have right Bartek Too good that they do not cut down that tree... When they do it. That mean's that you are stuck here without able to return to human world. Anyways. Once day you take me to your world?"
" Sure Ganraikou. After we found Antena Tree leading to my world i take you to my world Directly"
After we using my D-Shoot to transfer to Kurinou Village. One person in Bear Like costune come closer to us.
" You must come back. Kurinou Village is closed by Kakuza Party"
" WHAT! YOU ARE RETURNED BASTARDS!" Ganraikou start shouting.
" Calm down Ganraikou " I said to her " Explain me who the hell is that Kakuza Party?"
Grunt come closer to me.
" Listen me carefully kid. We are new owners of this world. Our leader. Lady Tabasco is going to be first female president of this world. We bring a shiny future! KAKUZA PARTY! KAKUZA PARTY!"
" Shut up! " I said angry " This world is ruled by Denjuu. And humans here are only guests. I do not allow you to take over this world idiots with stupid uniforms. I challenge you! "
Kakuza Party grunt only smiled
" You mean Telefang Battle? Sure. I accept your challenge " He take him D-Shoot " Suguri! Come here. We have an battle"
They do not must waiting so long for apperance of Kakuza Party friend.
" I'm ready to kick someone ass " Said Suguri looking rivilary at Ganraikou.
" Ok. Ganraikou. I know that you can help me."
" Sure Bartek " Ganraikou entered to battle filed " I do all my best "
Kakuza party member look at Suguri and Smiled.
" We seen an rokie T-Fanger. You do not known rules of Telefang Battle youngster. T-Fanger which lose must give number to last beaten Denjuu. So is nice to know that I can have in glory of our party your friend. Anyways. Suguri. Bite Ganraikou. That young Denjuu!"
Suguri do order of him friend. Ganraikou was hurt by teeths of foe.
" Think Bartek. What to do now... Going by similarities. Ganraikou looking like bird. Ganraikou! Use your beak. Try hit our foe in the head."
Ganraikou start runing toward Suguri and when jumped hit the Suguri into him head causing serious damage.
" Yes! You do it Ganraikou!"
" I know it Bartek. But our foe still stand on their legs. "
I start to think. Looking also by similarities method i resamblance colour of Ganraikou as an fire creature. But i know, that is sky Denjuu.
" We need to cause him burning " I said without more thinking. Ganraikou smiled.
" I can do something with that " After little focus she said " Time for Petal Strom "
My friend causing beautyfull storm of petal of flowers. But effect of them was suprised me. I've seen that Suguri was burned.
" Damit!" Kakuza party member shouted " Nevermind. Suguri! Use your strong Claws "
" Ok. " Suguri rushed to Ganraikou and attack her, but during them he feels pain by burnings."
" I think that we got him Ganraikou " I said with smile on face " Prepare Suguri Number Kakuza Minion. Ganraikou! Use Beak on the stomach of rival. "
As I said Ganraikou did. That move was succesfull becouse Ganraikou hits on the most burned part of Suguri Body. When they fainted me and Ganraikou was been happy.
" We did it my friend " I said happy " Our first Telefang Battle "
" Yep! And new friend was joined to us "
Kakuza Party member as rules said give the number of Suguri and after that earse it from Phonebook memory.
" You can be happy kid " He said " But I aware my friends to guard Northwest cave where is our leader " He run toward the village.
" We must stop them Bartek " Ganraikou said and come back to my arm.
" I Agree with you. Especialy that Tabasco. Come on. Let's go. We not alone in this battle!"
And we going now to the Northweast Cave. We seen on our way some Kakuzu Party Grunts which battling with Denjuu and T-Fangers which live there. They deffend from Invasion. But Invasion can be over only by beating leader.
- Posts: 166
- Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:57 pm
Re: Denjuu Wrold Story
TOMMROW I ADD NEW EPISODE. Secound friend was appeared in new episode. Also like new Denjuu Contacts.
- Posts: 166
- Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:57 pm
Re: Denjuu Wrold Story
After long way throught dark maze of Northwest Cave.
"Why it allways must be so long. I don't even understand for what Kakuza Party searching inside here."
" I don't know" Said Ganraikou going so close to me. " Too good that we have new friend"
"Yep. I think Suguri can help us in our quest" - I smiled. Some further I've seen strange person staying near massive gate.
He have mark of Sanaeba company in shoes. And on him jacket he have sign of Kakuza Party.
"Well Well Well... I've seen that another Kakuza Party member ahead... What the hell you want from this world?"
" Heh? Be quiet kid. I do not want fight with you."
"WHAT?" I said with Ganraikou at the same time.
"So what you and Kakuza minions want here?" - Asked angry Ganraikou.
" For first. I am Nerikara. And I want to be prime minister of the Denjuu World. "
"Great... Politicy on this world. When this world have human Politicy it was going to be corrupted"
"Don't said like that!" Shouted Nerikara "I know that Lady Tabasco tricked me. She used me to make more votes for her. She want be President of this world."
"This is Insane" Said Ganraikou and start burning.
"Please. Don't hurt me Denjuu... I'm not T-Fanger. I don't even know how to use D-Shoot. I want help you make some mess in Tabasco Plans"
"About what your think?" I don't trust Nerikara.
"Don't be so angry kid. I want give you special Key which open this gate and give you acess to her."
"Great. Give that!" I take from him that key, and opened that gateway. " Thank you man... But about politicy. Don't count for my vote. I hate politics."
I going further the tunel. When i going so close. I start hearing the shouting of girl.
"Pssst... It must be Tabasco" Ganraikou whispered to me.
"I know... Meybe it was time to call for Suguri?"
"Good idea Human. He can be helpfully"
To Be Continued....
"Why it allways must be so long. I don't even understand for what Kakuza Party searching inside here."
" I don't know" Said Ganraikou going so close to me. " Too good that we have new friend"
"Yep. I think Suguri can help us in our quest" - I smiled. Some further I've seen strange person staying near massive gate.
He have mark of Sanaeba company in shoes. And on him jacket he have sign of Kakuza Party.
"Well Well Well... I've seen that another Kakuza Party member ahead... What the hell you want from this world?"
" Heh? Be quiet kid. I do not want fight with you."
"WHAT?" I said with Ganraikou at the same time.
"So what you and Kakuza minions want here?" - Asked angry Ganraikou.
" For first. I am Nerikara. And I want to be prime minister of the Denjuu World. "
"Great... Politicy on this world. When this world have human Politicy it was going to be corrupted"
"Don't said like that!" Shouted Nerikara "I know that Lady Tabasco tricked me. She used me to make more votes for her. She want be President of this world."
"This is Insane" Said Ganraikou and start burning.
"Please. Don't hurt me Denjuu... I'm not T-Fanger. I don't even know how to use D-Shoot. I want help you make some mess in Tabasco Plans"
"About what your think?" I don't trust Nerikara.
"Don't be so angry kid. I want give you special Key which open this gate and give you acess to her."
"Great. Give that!" I take from him that key, and opened that gateway. " Thank you man... But about politicy. Don't count for my vote. I hate politics."
I going further the tunel. When i going so close. I start hearing the shouting of girl.
"Pssst... It must be Tabasco" Ganraikou whispered to me.
"I know... Meybe it was time to call for Suguri?"
"Good idea Human. He can be helpfully"
To Be Continued....