Obviously I'm not the first, however everyone on the internet seems to disappear that starts one of these. I may too though, just trying to find something to keep me out of trouble.
Here's 2 days of messing around:
(criticism appreciated, also would possibly make this into something if people want to hop on the bandwagon once again to make a full port or whatever you want to call this)
Wild Crypto Encounter
Tulunk Village
Kurinon Village
Human World
Musa's Hut
Musa's Hut (Interior) Planning on scaling this one down.
Welcome to the community! This looks pretty intiguing to me. Nice job with it so far.
Question: why does the spot on the map where the Antenna Tree goes have a Card shop instead? What are you planning for progression here? That's normally the spot where you warp into the next area of the game, after all...
Also, are you planning on making modifications to the battle system to be more Telefang-like? What about the graphics? Also, judging by how you mapped out the full Human World just like the game does even though it's inaccessible there, are you planning to actually make the Human World accessible? Canonically, you should not be able to bring your Denjuu when you do, I believe.
It's also interesting that you decided to call it "Mobile Phone Beast Telefang", though I don't blame you as a newcomer to the community. We've all kinda settled on the name "Denjuu", just like how "Pokémon" is a settled name for Pokémon rather than "Pocket monster". You might want to consider sticking with "Mobile Denjuu Telefang" for that reason, silly as it may initially sound.
Hi DaVince,
Good to hear the project is peaking some interest..
So to start off, I am aware of the antenna trees. Those card shops are fillers at the moment due to having no tiles made or found that match Pokemon FireRed graphics as a large tree.
To your second point, yes more Telefang like implementations will be added into the battles, as well as perhaps different backgrounds, encounter captions for specific Denju, etc.. I'm also definitely planning to expand the human world, even further that what I used from the original game. Not sure at all where I would take this specific idea though, the possibilities are pretty endless.
Lastly, I became aware of Keitai Denju Telefang as the name before "Mobile Phone Beast Telefang". I actually found that translation off a wiki. I may perhaps even change the name to a more comfortable English name completely.
Thanks again for all the input. I saw how dead the forums seem and I was worried I may not get a reply for a while. Nice to meet you also.
*I also want to add to anyone who might comment on graphical errors, items in wrong spots, etc. as I've noticed some that stand out a lot. The maps can be edited very simply and I may have done certain things for myself to remember little points
wrote:Thanks again for all the input. I saw how dead the forums seem and I was worried I may not get a reply for a while. Nice to meet you also.
To be fair, most of the subforums are pretty dead, aside from some specific threads. The community is tiny and we're all pretty much hanging around in the chatroom all day, where there's a bot that will tell us what's going on on the forum and wiki. (I think that bot is broken right now though, because I saw no report of either your post nor the replies...)
DaVince wrote:It's also interesting that you decided to call it "Mobile Phone Beast Telefang", though I don't blame you as a newcomer to the community. We've all kinda settled on the name "Denjuu", just like how "Pokémon" is a settled name for Pokémon rather than "Pocket monster". You might want to consider sticking with "Mobile Denjuu Telefang" for that reason, silly as it may initially sound.
Last I checked, the English patch for Telefang 1 calls it "Mobile Phone Beast," and personally, I think that works better for the title even though "phone beast" isn't anywhere else in the patch (after all, people not familiar with the pun would basically think it says "mobile beast," which has a slightly different meaning than "mobile phone beast").