Re: Telefang 1 english logo

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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by Kimbles(imported) »

Well, I went with that because "keitai denwa" (literally, "portable electric-speech") is the word for cellphone. XD Change one kanji, and you get something like "cellmonsters". It's literally "portable electric-beast", but then you kind of miss the joke... XD Sadly, cellular+monsters just makes me think of animal cells, and mobile could apply to anything that moves, so mobile phone-beast was the best I could think of. *shrug*

As for Denjuu on it's own, it probably just came from the Keitai Denjuu on the title, but they're only ever referred to as Denjuu in the game... XD By itself, Denjuu just means "electric monster", so I think in-universe they're probably thought more of as electric monsters than phone monsters. *nod* We can just leave it as Denjuu though, and maybe explain that it means "electric monster" at some point in the game. XD
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by andwhyisit »

So should I consider the last design to be final?
Kimbles wrote:and maybe explain that it means "electric monster" at some point in the game. XD
Sorry but I am fully against this idea.
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by Kimbles(imported) »

andwhyisit wrote:So should I consider the last design to be final?
I have no problems with it, personally. XD
wrote:Sorry but I am fully against this idea.
Er... Any particular reason? XD
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by KenjutheDenjuu(imported) »

Maybe it should just be kept as it is for now, since it's really good and makes sense. I had no idea the title was meant to be a pun though, I totally missed that x3
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by andwhyisit »

Kimbles wrote:Er... Any particular reason? XD
I kinda think it is taking artistic licence a bit too far when you start adding in dialogue unrelated to the source Japanese text. My second concern is that any attempt to pass this info through dialogue will feel out of place and incredibly obvious.

'Hi, I am a "Human", which is derived from homō, a word for "man" or ultimately "earthly being". Isn't that facinating?'
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by Sanqui »

andwhyisit wrote:
Kimbles wrote:Er... Any particular reason? XD
I kinda think it is taking artistic licence a bit too far when you start adding in dialogue unrelated to the source Japanese text.

My second concern is that any attempt to pass this info through dialogue will feel out of place and incredibly obvious.

'Hi, I am a "Human", which is derived from homō, a word for "man" or ultimately "earthly being". Isn't that facinating?'
I kind of think it's different in this case, because Japanese speakers upon hearing 'Denjuu' will think "Oh, so they're some kind of monsters related to electricity", while any English person playing the patch will just think "oh, they're named after something in japanese", so unless we're going to replace all instances of Denjuu with "electric monsters" or "e-mons", it would be a good idea, in my opinion, to explain it somewhere.. Perhaps in Musa's speech? It doesn't have to be a whole sentence, just changing the first appearance of "Denjuu" to "Electric monsters, or Denjuu" could work. Do you get what I mean here?
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by Kimbles(imported) »

Matsukiyo: "Aren't you interested in the Denjuu world, Shigeki? It's a world hidden behind a curtain of darkness, full of living creatures known as "Denjuu", electric monsters..."

That's all I mean...XD One mention in the whole game doesn't seem too bad?
I agree it'd be kind of weird for a Denjuu to say it, which is why Matsukiyo would be better...XD Though this brings up the question of whether humans were the ones who named them Denjuu in the first place, or if they had some other name before that... And why are they speaking japanese anyway?! :O
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by andwhyisit »

Sanky wrote:I kind of think it's different in this case, because Japanese speakers upon hearing 'Denjuu' will think "Oh, so they're some kind of monsters related to electricity", while any English person playing the patch will just think "oh, they're named after something in japanese", so unless we're going to replace all instances of Denjuu with "electric monsters" or "e-mons", it would be a good idea, in my opinion, to explain it somewhere.. Perhaps in Musa's speech? It doesn't have to be a whole sentence, just changing the first appearance of "Denjuu" to "Electric monsters, or Denjuu" could work. Do you get what I mean here?
I am pretty sure that Denjuu is intended as a contraction of "Ketai Denjuu", which no english-speaking player will get. Calling them "electric monsters" would be incorrect and no self-respecting Denjuu would use the term "beast" (Mobile Phone-Beasts) or "monster" to describe themselves.

You don't need to explain absolutely everything to the player. The player doesn't care if they are called Denjuu, Electric Monsters or Mobile Phone-Beasts as long as they are called something. The pun in "Ketai Denjuu" is lost in translation and putting in a literal translation of "Denjuu" is quite frankly redundant and loses the intended meaning.
Kimbles wrote:Matsukiyo: "Aren't you interested in the Denjuu world, Shigeki? It's a world hidden behind a curtain of darkness, full of living creatures known as "Denjuu", electric monsters..."

That's all I mean...XD One mention in the whole game doesn't seem too bad?
I agree it'd be kind of weird for a Denjuu to say it, which is why Matsukiyo would be better...XD Though this brings up the question of whether humans were the ones who named them Denjuu in the first place, or if they had some other name before that... And why are they speaking japanese anyway?! :O
Sorry I was writing my post replying to Sanky while you posted yours.

In any case I still believe Denjuu is intended as a contraction of Ketai Denjuu and not to mean "electric monsters". And you would have to admit that the following line sounds VERY odd:

Matsukiyo: "Aren't you interested in the Denjuu world, Shigeki? It's a world hidden behind a curtain of darkness, full of living creatures known as "Denjuu", Mobile Phone Beasts..."

Although it sounded kinda off with "electric monsters" as well because it sounded like a description rather than an alternate name.
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by Kimbles(imported) »

I know the line sounds weird, which is why I didn't add it in yet. ^^;

Anyway, I think the keitai denwa pun is probably where they got their name in the first place, but I don't think it's what they would have been named for in-universe... XD Denjuu on it's own just means electric+monster, and if they really wanted to make a clear connection to denwa/phone, Matsukiyo could have just called them Keitai Denjuu at some point in the script... *shrug*

Personally, I've always seen Denjuu as being fundamentally electric somehow, what with them being from another dimension and all...XD So the reason they can use crazy attacks like Denma stuff is because they can generate electricity inside their bodies at will, or something like that. XD Either way, in-univese it doesn't make much sense for them to be called phone monsters, partly because Keitai Denjuu is such a silly name that it seems unlikely, and also because they never would have used cellphones before they had contact with humans...XD *shrug*
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Re: Telefang 1 english logo

Post by MefistaCenobica(imported) »

now I want telefang t-shirt^^
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