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Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:00 pm
by Kid Sonic(imported)
RacieB wrote:
Kid Sonic wrote:1. Don't get so defensive. It's not like I claimed it as my own.
2. You act as if you don't want your artwork to have anything to do with my movie. That's pretty selfish.
3. Why would you need Obama's number.
4. What do you have against my movie?
1. Putting my art anywhere witout asking is a documented peeve of mine, I'm not aggressive over it unless I find the use particularly egregious but it definitely grinds my gears every time!

2. It is selfish of me to decide how I would like my art to be used, thank you. I should realize that putting it on my personal website makes it open source.

3. He probably has a better nature than Ornithogalum and Kanzou and I'm tired of them whining that I don't call enough and asking if I've ever cheated on exams, of course I have and they already know that.

4. I thought my hysterical rantings in the past over the assotiation between Pokémon and Telefang and its overall detrimental effect on the latter were annoying enough to be memorable, but I suppose not.

5. PLACE: my Gmail inbox
TIME: 8/26/08
RE Telefang Art Submission: Sorry, but Pokecharms doesn't like it when people edit their trainer cards. As it says on the site, "We ask you not to modify this card or remove the credit in it, as the materials on this program are submitted by members of the Pokecharms community ONLY for use on the TC Maker and by using their stuff without credit, it's a slap in the face to their effort - not to mention my own in providing this program."

6. hold on I need to let the cat outside he won't stop meowing and I don't want him to poop on the carpet again

7. nevermind, it's snowing outside, can't let the little dude freeze

8. What in the world how did this list get doubled? I am NOT good with computers.
I gave you credit, so don't blow a nerve gasket.

I'm not going to trouble myself over you.

Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:19 pm
by RacieB

Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:15 pm
by Kid Sonic(imported)
RacieB,Feb 2 2009 wrote: Image
What's that supposed to mean. Black cats pics don't give people bad luck. Leave your cat out of this.

This movie is supposed to be a good thing. There shouldn't be such negativity.

And I thought admins weren't supposed to spam.

Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:31 pm
by RacieB
It was a followup to 6. and 7., he wanted to go outside even though it was snowing! I don't know what his problem is. Bedsides, you are definitely jumping to the wrong conclusions here, Dizzy is English and black cats are good luck in England.

I hardly see how I'm being negative, cats always make everything better. Though, Pokémon and Telefang mixing is rarely a good thing in my experience, 90% of Youtube comments I get on clips of the bootlegs are "is this fake pokemon this sucks" and then I have to think of a good reply, although when I'm running low a simple "like your mother?" will suffice.

Anyway, I thought members weren't supposed to modsass.

Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:36 pm
by Sanqui
RacieB, your cat is awesome!!

Kid Sonic... Even if you gave her credit (additionaly!), you didn't ask her, and that's what's important. You may think that it's fine and that the person gets over it, but it's not true. People don't like their art being used without their permission. You may have no problem with that happening to your art, but most people do. You're not some horrible person to do something like thats, but it's plainly rude...! It's mostly nothing personal, but it's a natural reaction you SHOULD expect when doing this! Seriously, that pisses the artist off, and adding credit additionaly and acting as nothing happened doesn't help.

Blah, why am I even writing this D:

Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:49 pm
by Kid Sonic(imported)
Sanky wrote: RacieB, your cat is awesome!!

Kid Sonic... Even if you gave her credit (additionaly!), you didn't ask her, and that's what's important. You may think that it's fine and that the person gets over it, but it's not true. People don't like their art being used without their permission. You may have no problem with that happening to your art, but most people do. You're not some horrible person to do something like thats, but it's plainly rude...! It's mostly nothing personal, but it's a natural reaction you SHOULD expect when doing this! Seriously, that pisses the artist off, and adding credit additionaly and acting as nothing happened doesn't help.

Blah, why am I even writing this D:
What's done is done. I'm sorry. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!

Re: Telefang trailer movie I made

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:32 pm
by StellarWind(imported)
Honestly, now.

The only reason I didn't intervene sooner is because I was having SO much fun watching you make a complete idiot of yourself and enjoying Racie's comments to no end.

For someone who's all "I'm not going to trouble myself over you", Kid Sonic, you sure are making a point of troubling yourself over her.

Clearly, nothing has changed - you're still an annoying little brat who thinks the world owes him something and gets all WAAAH WAAAAH Someone Call The WAAAAHmbulance every time someone makes a comment that loosely criticizes you, or even when someone points out a perfectly legitimate thing, like, you know, not wanting to have their art used without effing permission.

AND of course you don't bother to read posts completely because you're too whiny about it. No, little Mister Ego. The world isn't ganging up on you. You're not that important. If you still feel like everyone hates you, though, maybe it's best to take a long hard look at yourself and realize what you're doing wrong.

Either way, given the fact your sole purpose in here, it seems, is to incite provocation - you can do it out of this forum.

Rebanned. So long, farewell, and don't come back. For the sake of all of us.