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Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:16 am
by andwhyisit
Something tells me that this thread should be going in the Hacking board. :rolleyes: :lol:

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:03 am
by Blaziken257
Yeah, I guess I should move it...

Anyway, I finished it. The patch, as usual, is attached at the bottom of the post. I decided to put "You defeated the enemy Denjuu!" instead of "The enemy Denjuu were defeated!" It means the same thing, but you don't have to worry about the was/were thing.

One problem I had, however, is using the word "attack" in two lines:


If I stick "___'s attack!" on the first line, then this creates a problem where you can't see all the text without pressing A if the Denjuu is at least 6 characters long:


If I stick "attack!" on the bottom line, this creates the same problem if the move is 7-8 characters long:


Of course, you can press A while it's attacking, but that's really weird.


So I had to use this solution, which looks kinda awkward. Then again, maybe I should just use "___ attack! ___!" (without the "'s"), which probably won't be a problem. I stress the word "probably," because it still might happen with 8 characters. Oh well.

Oh and for now, I decided to stick with "Chiru." But maybe I'll change it later.

Finally, I edited the screen where you pick your Denjuu. If you have none, it now says "- None -" (I could only fit in 8 characters... I was originally going to put in "No Denjuu" but it wouldn't fit). And the top-right says "Pg." (the Japanese version says "List," but I could only fit 3 characters in there).

So, without further ado... here's the patch!

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:06 pm
by Blaziken257
Sorry for the double post, but there's an image limit per post, and this post has lots of images, so I need to make another post here. Anyway, I noticed that at the beginning, Krypto and Fungus say different things:

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Image Image

Weird. Anybody have any idea what Fungus says?

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:30 pm
by Kimbles(imported)
Yeah, I meant to mention that. XD Fungus says the same thing as Krypto, just in a more polite tone. Krypto's just really gung-ho, so it comes across in his speech. D: I'd write it like this...


Hi! My name is Krypto!
This is my phone number.
Nice to meet you!

Come on, let's hurry go wake up Netaro!

Hello, my name is Fungus.
Here is my phone number.
It is a pleasure to meet you!

Okay, let us go wake up Netaro together!

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:59 pm
by andwhyisit
Blaziken257 wrote: One problem I had, however, is using the word "attack" in two lines:


If I stick "___'s attack!" on the first line, then this creates a problem where you can't see all the text without pressing A if the Denjuu is at least 6 characters long:


If I stick "attack!" on the bottom line, this creates the same problem if the move is 7-8 characters long:


Of course, you can press A while it's attacking, but that's really weird.


So I had to use this solution, which looks kinda awkward. Then again, maybe I should just use "___ attack! ___!" (without the "'s"), which probably won't be a problem. I stress the word "probably," because it still might happen with 8 characters. Oh well.
I notice there is a limit of 15 characters per row and 14 on the last row.

Would this work:
[denjuu] used

Or this:

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:06 pm
by Blaziken257
The problem is that both of your examples use 3-4 lines. It needs to all fit into two. If it doesn't, then you have to press A to see all of it, but this text disappears quickly after the attack starts, so it's difficult to read all of it like that. It's really awkward.

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:49 pm
by andwhyisit
Blaziken257 wrote: The problem is that both of your examples use 3-4 lines. It needs to all fit into two. If it doesn't, then you have to press A to see all of it, but this text disappears quickly after the attack starts, so it's difficult to read all of it like that. It's really awkward.
with [attack]!

used [attack]!

Or maybe:
[denjuu]'s turn

and I can create a 's character...

..if there was a spare character slot. *facepalms*

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:09 am
by Kimbles(imported)
If you could fit it in, you could use the 's character from pokemon, since we're using their font... Or just say "move" instead of attack, like on the wiki. *nod*

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:47 am
by andwhyisit
Kimbles wrote: If you could fit it in, you could use the 's character from pokemon, since we're using their font... Or just say "move" instead of attack, like on the wiki. *nod*
Even if you write:

[denjuu]'s move.

The words on the first row still will not fit (16 characters) without an 's character. Unless you know a three lettered word we could use.

You could use:

move. [attack]!

But the limit for the final row (without wrapping onto the next) is 14.

Re: (Incomplete) Telefang English Translation

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:00 am
by Kid Sonic(imported)
Strike is a shorter word for attack. Move is also good.

But i'll say this about the bootleggers, at least they knew how to shorten words and messages.

Maybe a new dialog box and smaller font is in order. (shruggs shoulders)

Or maybe,

"[Denjuu] used [Attack]"