Song Similarity in Sinnoh

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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by kmeisthax »

I'd rather not beat on a dead horse, so instead I'll comment about Kid Sock-puppet's rather... uh, varied vocabulary: What thesaurus did you buy and where can I get it?
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by andwhyisit »

Let me make this clear...

1. Unless you are someone using Kid Sonic's computer with the exact same personality as Kid Sonic then you ARE Kid Sonic.
2. You were banned because you couldn't contribute to a conversation, you act like everyone is against you regardless of what they say, you don't even bother to read posts (instead ignoring all but what you can however remotely deem an insult), and your maturity level is appallingly low.
3. We all like Pokemon. Every single one of us. We just hate Telefang being labelled as a Pokemon-ripoff.
4. Telefang is currently owned by Rocket Company and every single one of us want them to do something (anything at all) to do with the franchise.
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by MefistaCenobica(imported) »

Man,what do you smoke?0_o
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by RacieB »

Sanky already said pretty much everything I was thinking, but I'd like to add a few points anyway.

Firstly, it's almost astonishing how dumb you must think we are to even attempt to argue that you're not sockpuppeting. All mods and admins can see everyone's IPs on the board and guess what, yours match! It's like winning the lottery, ON OPPOSITE DAY.

Secondly, I'm not sure what you have against the translation patch (besides the fact that we didn't add Pikachu to make it a Pokémon crossover.) It's especially laughable that you think an official translation would ever have been better... you know Natsume would've been responsible? Here, let me give an example of their usual stellar translation projects:

It's also funny that you consider it a waste of time. It's especially been a blast for me watching the programmers split apart the coding and learn new stuff in the process, and I'm not even one of those working on the patch itself. Either way, there's not going to be an official translation, ever. Not for a decade-old Gameboy game. Hell, Mother 3 didn't even get an official translation. Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), it's certain that everyone here would be elated if Rocket ever glanced at the series again.

As for putting the smackdown on insight and creativity and whatever else it is you're accusing us of - SERIOUSLY? We're not going to mix two utterly unrelated series just because it makes for a great fanfic in your head. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen anything creative from you ever: I'm talking about any of the media, games, etc you constantly claim that you're working on and will definitely totally make. All you do is attempt to boss other people around and get mad when they don't like your crossovers. (MSPaint youtube compilations don't count for this exercise, by the way.)

Now, I know you're going to tl;dr this and rage because A WOMAN IS SASSING YOU and something about matriarchy and the Declaration of Anime Fandependence, but at least I can say I tried.

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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by MefistaCenobica(imported) »

ooh,a kitty
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by Locololo(imported) »

Kid Sonic wrote:Okay, I understand that Pokemon isn't well loved on this board, but if I can have you undivided attention, I would like to present this:

Telefang 1 Overworld Theme:

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Route 225 Midday:

If you lower the Pokemon song down 2 pitches, they song almost exactly the same.
i can here the similarity, but please find more proof that one song, because it could be a coincidence, thank you.
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by telefangfan(imported) »

Kid Sonic,of course nobody here ever threaten you bad or as a stupid because you liked Pokémons.I love this community and you're saying only a bunch of lies.Let me point the situation...just because someone likes Telefang it doesn't mean that people who loves Pokémon have to be stupid or other,but you're trying to say this.There is not a war,they're just games.I may say some things about you right now...
-You aren't well experienced about forums,so you think that another monster raising game= another type of ideas and people.
-You're a troll,which obviously knows what he/she's saying on others.Maybe you're jealous of the hard work for the patch or perhaps you just want to piss-off people for fun.I think you've chosen the wrong place to do so.

Guys,if he/she continues I advice a ban (Admins,I ADVICE,of course is up to you to decide)
A big kiss TO THE COMMUNITY I LOVE------>Read,Kid Sonic.READ.
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by Locololo(imported) » kid sonic, please do not preach or type big speeches, i get enough of that on ATS. anyways, maybe try to not insult people, or try to argue, because it is pointless, why not big the bigger man or woman, and simple do your research, post, and be nice when people comment.

and also, find more than one song for proof, not to be rude, but only one piece of evidence is useless in an argument most of the time.
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by telefangfan(imported) »

It is a bit similar,but never noticed it when the DP series came out.Sockpuppeting is pointless,as you can see Kid Sonic,you had the same some agrees.
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Re: Song Similarity in Sinnoh

Post by manomow(imported) »

Wow! Ive been noticing that for about a year! lol
I was just whistling the Telefang theme, and remembered this place, and by the time I was logged in, I was already singing Rt.225's music. I always get it mixed up half way.
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