How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post things about the Telefang series, and aren't about a particular Telefang game here.
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by LiamBrady(imported) »

My Story:
My friend told me about a fake Pokémon game he bought when he visited Spain.
It's like four years ago, so we didn't have much English skillz. We're norwegian after all.
He told me about this "Pokémon Diamant". We searched the net but didn't find it anywhere.
No wonder. We searched for Diamant and not diamond.
Then we realized that and downloaded the game and THEN I was hooked.
Played it all the time.
I asked my steph mom to look for it when she visited spain. She did that alot.
Never found it :/ Haha.
It took me a while to find out Diamond was Telefang.
But I did it all on my own.

How did YOU find out about Telefang?
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by Milnivri(imported) »

Bought this Pokemon 61 in 1 CD, where a compilation of all Pokemon stuff inside. There was this GBC emulator in it, and apparently they packaged Pokemon ROMs along with the installer. Inside there was Pokemon Diamond (the bootleg). I saw that it was totally unlike Pokemon. Didn't know what it was though.

Then one day in December 2007 I found RacieB's telefang site (I forgot how I reached there without knowing it was Telefang, but thru Google). Then realised it was Telefang. Read stuff on it to get the full story. Found the Wikipedia article, then this forum. :D

After that (just to continue), because I was so wiki-oriented I made Wikifang, without knowledge of the real game itself. Then later I looked for the ROM for Power and Speed heheh.

Yay. It took me 6 years to realise it was Telefang. D:
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by LiamBrady(imported) »

Milnivri wrote: Bought this Pokemon 61 in 1 CD, where a compilation of all Pokemon stuff inside. There was this GBC emulator in it, and apparently they packaged Pokemon ROMs along with the installer. Inside there was Pokemon Diamond (the bootleg). I saw that it was totally unlike Pokemon. Didn't know what it was though.

Then one day in December 2007 I found RacieB's telefang site (I forgot how I reached there without knowing it was Telefang, but thru Google). Then realised it was Telefang. Read stuff on it to get the full story. Found the Wikipedia article, then this forum. :D

After that (just to continue), because I was so wiki-oriented I made Wikifang, without knowledge of the real game itself. Then later I looked for the ROM for Power and Speed heheh.

Yay. It took me 6 years to realise it was Telefang. D:
Haha. Nice one
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by Sanqui »

Actually, mine story is pretty easy. I always known there is a bootleg called "Pokémon Diamond", I just downloaded i and loved it ^^
Becouse I knew that calling it "Pokémon" is just not right, I called it "E-Monsters", as are Denjuu in the bootleg. Rofl. So I just heard that it's called Telefang later, also, that a second one was released on GBA. With my 1337 searching skills (hey, I was 8), I found nothing... wel, expect for an english patch site ^^ but no romz.
Somehow I gained it, so... Well, I think you can figure out the rest. I found RacieB's site, I voted 5/5 for some Telefang videos on Youtube and Blaziken sent me link through PM ^.^
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by Zephyr(imported) »

I first heard about it through TRsRockin (you know, that site that everyone gets false ideas about the game from? Yeah, that). To tell the truth, I was sort of afraid of it at first, the negative review calling up images of a confusing game that was almost all incomprehensible dialogue and barely playable. And my idea of it remained like that for quite some time.

...I believe I was once browsing the forums on (no apparent reason-- I'm not a member there) when I came across a topic discussing "Pokemon Diamond and Jade." People were confused, but then other people explained that it wasn't Pokemon at all, but a hack of a game called Telefang. That was news to me.

Then, hm. I'm not sure what happened next. ...Oh, now I remember! I was browsing through YouTube when I came to a video series which documented the beginning of the Bootleg. I watched, curious in spite of myself, and suddenly saw it in a whole new light. I was seized with an urge to play, so I headed over to a rom site and downloaded it. :D And of course I enjoyed it. Then I found RacieB's site while searching for things to do with the bootleg, and watched her art because I admire all things telefang (and her art is awesome besides). So then she posts a journal saying "Telefans! Get on over here!" And I'm like, hot dog! Finally, a Telefang forum! So here I am. :D
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by andwhyisit »

I was searching for Pokemon hacks and found the Telefang Bootleg in the process.
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by bucketheadj(imported) »

i found out about it through racieBs deviant art thing
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by lapeirousia19(imported) »

I came to youtube,and searched Pokemon Diamond Battle.
I found a video about telefang.
Then,I came to Google to search about that game.
After that,i knew a lot more. I began to like the game.
(sorry for my english)
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by Kid Sonic(imported) »

I found out on this site:

It was way back before the release of Pokemon Ruby & Saphirre. I thought it was a real game at the time.
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Re: How did YOU find out about Telefang?

Post by Seike(imported) »

I found out about Keitai Denjuu Telefang by just sticking to my old gaming schedule... I refuse to play "translated" games and I use to play two games a week, now that I don't have the time to stick to my old schedule (let alone play any games).

So when I got some games from Japan (from my aunt) I got a copy of Keitai Denjuu Telefang Power and Speed (with those copies I also got a red & green version pocket monsters too, I got a lot of trades since I had a "green" version so I was known all around the school >_> It also helped me out that I had a red version too since I traded with myself aswell). I found out about the bootleg because my friend had gotten a "Diamond" Pocket monsters, when I played it I recognized it as a bootleg and showed her Telefang.... She played Telefang insted of diamond since it saved.
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