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Re: Dino Device 2 Devices

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:32 am
by Milnivri(imported)
Ok so I was trying to create a list of devices found in DD2. But then it's all confusing.

I was going to put these as headings:
Elemental type
Japanese name
Style number
Device type (gen/ser/etc)

At the start, I noticed that all the devices of the same type had the same starting in the name. E.g. ミストピストル、ミストマシンガン、ミストアサルト all started with ミスト, style number ended with W, and so I assumed that the type was Mist.

But then I looked in Left, those ending with W started with ウワラ. OK I didn't know what that was. So I thought they started differently with different parts.

Then I looked in Body and Legs. They didn't start the same way even though they had the same type! Like BGEN-01E was アフアイックE and BGEN-02E was アンフェダルトE. Yeah I didn't know what they meant either. :/

Haiz so what is the type anyway?

And also what does GEN and SER stand for? :(

EDIT: Ok Never mind... ><

I figured that the starting is just in the name, and doesn't determine the type. And so the type is determined by the last letter. Problem solved.

W - Water
F - Fire
T - Thunder
E - Earth (the icon is a rock, though)
S - Special