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Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:58 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but there are actually two Japanese players guides for Dino Device 1. One cover has the red dinosaur creature on a green computer network background, while the other has a montage of the different Dino Device monsters with the red dinosaur as the center creature. I was wondering if both had been scanned yet, or just one of them? Also, i'm curious to know the difference between them in terms of content.

Here are some examples:

Green network background
Dino montage

Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:05 pm
by Sanqui
I remember them being mentioned, but I'm not quite sure over the differences except that one of them sucks? I think Racie had them both..

Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:23 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
Oh? I wonder why it wasn't such a good guide? :O

I wonder if both of the guides are made by the same company or not?

Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:27 pm
by Kimbles(imported)
Yup, I have both of them! XD


The smaller one is by Kodansha, who also did the guides for the Telefang games and Bugsite. XD It uses the same format as their Telefang guides, which sadly doesn't work nearly as well for this type of game... It doesn't explain the mechanics in much detail, and most of the pages are spent on listing all of the Dinos and Devices in greyscale, when the main difference between them is their color. The walkthrough section is nice though, if short, since the game doesn't have much of a plot... XD

The bigger guide is by Futabasha (who also made a pretty nice guide for Medarot G)...XD It has a lot more information, plus it's almost all in color... It has a walkthrough but mostly explains the game mechanics and differences between Dinos, with index in the back that list all of the items and devices in b/w lists. *nod* It's much better organized and complete IMO, so if you were planning on buying one (and could read it) I would recommend this one. XD It helped me out a lot with understanding how the game works, since a lot of it isn't really explained in the game itself... XD I'll probably scan it eventually, if just for the official art for the game. *nod*

...In my experience with the Kodansha guides (which is a lot at this point, they made guides for all of the Medarot games too), they generally go out of their way to not include the most hidden stuff, like the secret Denjuu/Medarots and extra end-game subquests, etc. Basically the stuff you'd normally expect to be buying a player's guide for. >_>; They're also hardly perfect, and most of the ones I've looked at in detail have a few errors or typos, or monsters and attacks missing, or something. That said, their Dino Device guide is the only one that I think outright sucks. XD I just wish the Telefang guides had the official art in color...*sigh* XD

Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:09 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
Wow, thanks for the info! That was very informative :D

The name Futabasha sounds familiar, I think I may have a Japanese game guide by them but i'm not entirely sure. Do you know if they have covered any other games?

Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:30 pm
by Kimbles(imported)
Futabasha is just the publisher, but yeah, it looks like they released a lot of player's guides. XD Dino Device is the only Smilesoft game that they covered, though.

Re: Two Dino Device player's guides?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:24 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
Thanks. They do sound very familiar though, i'm sure i've heard of them before somewhere...

I have both of the Dino Device player's guides, so it's possible I could have seen the name there, but i'm pretty sure I saw it on another guide I have...I just wish I could remember which one x3