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Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:13 am
by Zapchu25(imported)
I have really liked Keitai Denjuu Telefang for quite a while now. It is actually not that bad of a game and has some cool innovations and ideas. But like many other monster games, many of the loyal fans wonder; why isn't it popular/appreciated.
There are many reasons why this game does not stand out among other monster collecting games. First off, Smilesoft wasn't that big of a company. It did not have the Resources like Nintendo or Bandai has. So advertising was a little short.
Second, the game did have new ideas, but the unoriginal game play did not let those ideas stand-out. An example of this is the phone system. Calling in other monsters to fight just one other one as a gang would be cool, but the turn base style of a Pokemon RPG just doesn't help.
Lastly, the characters and art direction themselves. There are some gems within the game. I personally like Angios. But, many of the other monsters are strange and unattractive. Many seem to have been put there just to take up space. The art does not come together well, and the colors of a single monster are a contradictory rainbow.
But enough criticism. I do actually like this game. But I would like to give it a proper platform that Smilesoft could not provide. I have decided to attempt to recreate the game by revamping many of the features. Nothing to drastic, but just so someone can look at the monsters and not say "WTF."
I will start by posting art I have made and other stuff along those lines. I would appreciate the input of others. And don't be afraid to speak your mind.
But before you post, remember this. These monsters are the inhabitants of their worlds. This game is on catching animals. I believe that these monsters should be as close to anatomical correctness as they can without being completely altered. If an organism's physiology cannot be explained in biological terms, than it cannot exist.

Denjuu - Bubaria

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:20 am
by andwhyisit
Are you talking about a hack, or rebuilding the game from scratch?

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:25 am
by Zapchu25(imported)
I'm talking about a 3D game from scratch. Surprisingly, I am more than capable.

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:05 am
by andwhyisit
Zapchu25 wrote: I'm talking about a 3D game from scratch. Surprisingly, I am more than capable.
How are you making it? C++? Pre-built engine?

Are you using pure 3d, 3d environment+2d elements (e.g. sprites), 2d+3d effects, or 3d models+2d background?

Any plans to revamp the music?

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:21 am
by Zapchu25(imported)
I'm using pure 3D, using programs like 3DMAX and Maya. I do plan on revamping the music, not composing any original pieces. A team would be cool.

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:33 am
by Kimbles(imported)
XD Hey, I think it's a decent idea. I really like the game too, but I agree that it has its flaws... *nod*

Telefang actually had a pretty impressive amount of advertising in Bom Bom as well as a decent sized manga series, so I think it did fairly well.... But like the dozens of other monster raising series that were starting at the time, it didn't really have a lasting impact, and its fanbase moved on after it ended. >_<
Some parts of the game weren't really polished I think, like how it's so hard to level up without items, and the branching evolutions that it's nigh-impossible for a single player to complete even with both versions and multiple playthroughs. D: As for the monster design, I'm not that fond of the evolutions that are "the same thing with guns" or "the same thing with a propellor", but at the same I think that that and the wonky art style really add to the charm of the game. XD It wouldn't be quite the same without it... It'll never be as big as Pokemon, but there really are a lot of similar games that are much worse-off than Telefang. XD

I'm curious how you'll go about this, especially with the monster designs. XD I assume you just mean mostly changing the style, but with "anatomical correctness", where does that put something like Bouvardi? (The walking seahorse thing with a party hat and a violin built into its stomach which it plays.) XD I'm also really looking forward to seeing 3D models of the Denjuu...

Krypto, you could look at Dino Device or Medarot (same developer) for some examples of more unique RPG battle systems. XD It's true that most monster raising games have the same basic idea, but there are plenty of ways of changing it up. *nod* I think Telefang's main issue was that its battle screen really did look like Pokemon's, much more than other games. XD Telefang 2's battle system improved that a lot...

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:42 am
by Sanqui
Hmm, yeah, that's an interesting idea... Though, sorry, but I have my doubts - a lot of people had plans like that before, and they always failed. I'll support you, though.
wrote:Some parts of the game weren't really polished I think, like how it's so hard to level up without items, and the branching evolutions that it's nigh-impossible for a single player to complete even with both versions and multiple playthroughs. D: As for the monster design, I'm not that fond of the evolutions that are "the same thing with guns" or "the same thing with a propellor", but at the same I think that that and the wonky art style really add to the charm of the game. XD It wouldn't be quite the same without it... It'll never be as big as Pokemon, but there really are a lot of similar games that are much worse-off than Telefang. XD
Sorry, I have to disagree XD
The branching evolutions are one of my most favourite things on the game... No matter how hard you tried, you always found more awesome evolutions you'd never think of. I think it gave the game a lot replayability. Though I agree that compleating the games must be a pain...

Re: Zapchu25's Telefang Revamp

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:10 pm
by Zapchu25(imported)
Loving the feedback.
wrote:I'm interested regardless to see what you do, but so far I have to say that your picture of Bubaria looks just like the sprite and not a revamp, to be honest. In fact, since your picture is so close to the sprite, it has just shown that Bubaria looks great the way he is, no changes needed.
I like you have noticed the likeness of my Bubaria to he original. But one must d note the differances. The original creature, Bubaria, had a head twice the size of it's body with arms jutting out from the side it. The weight on the creatures body would give it very limited mobility. You must need to notice I enlarged the body and legs proportionatly. I gave it stripes all over its body as to not make the ones on its head look out of place. The original designs are fine. But I want to make monsters that you would actualy want.
I keep to the original design, but add a little bit of realism without going over the top. It doesn't need to have to be abe to live in the real world, but it needs to look like it can actually survive on its own.
wrote:As for the monster design, I'm not that fond of the evolutions that are "the same thing with guns" or "the same thing with a propellor", but at the same I think that that and the wonky art style really add to the charm of the game.
I agree, the game took on a new fabulous art style. Every game needs that type of nitch. I really do like the whole cyborg apect of a Denjuu when it is merged with an item. Funboost is one of these monsters that makes this process work. But there are others like Baltamus that are a stretch. I feel like I'm beating this to death. But I want to change them enough to make them something you would actually want (that sounds terrible). But honestly, who has had Nigella as their main partner.
wrote:Well in that case, I guess that cancels out every single fantasy monster and creature ever created then, doesn't it?
It certainly does not. A monster is only a certain feature in an RPG. What I mean by this is that it is explained in the game in differant ways. It is explained in the aspect of importance, what it is, and why it does. Pokemon's fabulous monsters are important to the world because it seems like all they do in that game is centere around Pokemon. They have shops, hospitals, technology, etc. Dedicated to them. Their technology makes no sense, balls with lasers. But if you don't need to explain any of these concepts, than adding something realistic would be odd. For example, adding just a real life lion would be really strange, it doesn't fit, it is normal, everthing else is not. Digimon had a real world, so what they did was put aside another one for these beasts, this universe exists in all things data and computor. The importance of them usually ws so they could kill the evil digimon who threaten the real world giving the player an incentive to stay in this world. These monsters can vary in structure and don't need to make any sense. They live in a computor, what would it matter? Same with bugsite, if I were to remake it, I would need to do much/anything to the bugs, they don't NEED to make sense. one last example before I bring it all togethor. Spectrobes is an omage to the fabulousness and diversity of ancient organisms. Their importance is they are the only things that can stop dark creatures called Krawl. They vary due to the contrast of unexplainable technology, like pokemon. But what Spectrobes does to make it stand out is its unique gameplay. You don't catch them, you find them in the ground, giving an entirely new feature off the bat. Its not a turn based system either. Spectrobe battles are preformed in real-time. Now to Keitai Denjuu Telefang. The game has monsters, and they evolve in unique ways. They can fuse with man made stuff to create cool monsters. But why do they do this? The game ha concepts like cell phones, that do what they should do. But then it has other real concepts, like a tractor, that doesn't do what it should do, and why doesn't it. It will explain the already real concepts. But the monsters are a mystery. Why should you help them? What are they? How do they do what they do? They have many real concepts. Its the opposite of putting a lion in a pokemon game.
Again, I love the game, I just want to make it a more enjoyable experience and make it FIT togethor. I will not get rid of anything. But that doesn't mean new things will not be added. Ex (Features, design, scenery.) But I will in no way create new monsters, characters, or villages. I will only expand.