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Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:57 am
by SougonNaTakumi(imported)
Although we'll probably never see a Telefang anime, nobody said that barred us from having a cool theme song as if there was one! So, over the past four or five days, I devoted myself to writing up an abc file and running it through abc2midi several times in the process until I felt I had a satisfactory theme song on my hands. The lyrics I started a little earlier (actually I started with just two or three lines and couldn't come up with anything that fit with them and sounded cool for the longest time XD), but once I had the melody done, they almost filled themselves in. Anyway...

I call the song "Kyou no Keitai Densetsu" as a pun on keitai denwa (mobile phone) and densetsu (legend). The main reason it's "Kyou no" rather than "Shigeki no" is that if there was an anime, I'd think it'd include Telefang 2 Denjuu, and Shigeki arguably never saw any of those (at least not that I know of). Kyou, on the other hand, seems like a better pick for an anime protagonist to me since Telefang 2 includes some Telefang 1 Denjuu, and there at least seems to me to be more to do after you beat the second game than the first one (implying that Kyou might even possibly have reason to go to other "regions" of the Denjuu world). Plus, the title just sounds cooler that way.

Here are my current MIDI tracks:
TV-size version
Full version (both verses)

Here are the exact same karaoke tracks, but in .wav format (for anybody who wants to make a cover):
TV-size version
Full version (both verses)

And here are the lyrics:














キョウの けいたいでんせつ


カレーを たべたか?
おいしいと きかかれる
この すごい せかいが
まいにち ひろがってる

まちを とおったら
ばんごうを あつめよう
テレファング はじめ
ちから しめせ

ふくつの こころ
ふくつの コートス
アイアンハートと アイアンクロー
はげしさ めざめ
テンションが あがって
そんな ダイけなげが・・・!

つらいでも かまわん
まえ よんだ カメラーン
やっと ついたから

まんの けいけんと
ぜったい わすれないさ


ステーキ どう きるかな?
せいこう できずか?
いしきを かいぞう

しゅるいが ゆたか ある

とうしの たかまり
コイカルの いかり
ビークで ビクトリーを
き ぜひ ゆるすな
つよい しょうげきハ
てきの あしへ むこう!

すくすく すすむ
そら どんどん くすむ
まつ つぎの さと

この ヨには
ゼロの しょうがいが
オレたちが さいきょう

まんの けいけんと
ぜったい わすれないよ

いつも ふんばろう
どんな ばあいでも
Kyou's Mobile-ous Legend


Have you eaten curry?
I've heard it's delicious.
This wonderful world
Is expanding every day.

If we come across a town
Let's collect some numbers
Brace yourselves
A Telefang begins
Show your power!

An unflinching spirit
An unflinching Cortos
Iron heart and Iron Claws
Ferocity, awaken
The tension rises
Such great gallantry...!

Even when it's tough, I don't mind
Because that Chamelan I called
Finally arrived

My many experiences
And all of you, too
I'll never forget


How do you cut your steak?
From the right? That's interesting...
Can't succeed?
Then mod your ways

Among Denjuu
There are many kinds
Forest, Mountain
Aquatic, Grassland, Sky
Chakor, Waratah

Swells of spirit
Koikaru's fury
With his beak, to victory
You mustn't let your guard down
A strong shock wave
Aim it at the enemy's feet!

Quickly, let's move on
By and by the sky darkens
The next village awaits

In this world
There're no obstacles
We're the strongest

My many experiences
And all of you, too
I'll never forget

At all times, let's stand firm
No matter the circumstance
I'm not giving up
^ Yeah, I know this sounds kind of lame compared with the Japanese, so I may do an English version or English song later (no guarantees on that, though). XD
I'm pretty happy with the melody right now, but I wouldn't mind suggestions related to instrumentation or that kind of thing, and I'd of course appreciate any corrections if you find a spot where the Japanese doesn't make any sense (it would be really easy to fix a few notes since abc notation is pretty much just plain text and midi export takes only a second or two). Lastly, you can feel free to use this song for anything Telefang-related once a "final" version is out (and even I'll let you use it for other stuff too if you ask). The karaoke tracks are actually just about final now that I've fixed a couple of small errors and added some instrumental stuff at the beginning to make it easier to sing along with (I did that yesterday, on the tenth).


Note: The MIDI tracks are password-protected to provide a slight nuisance to random people on the internet who might want to steal them for non-Telefang stuff. The password is 'Kiyoki ippyou o douzo'. Actually, the password has been removed, so no need to worry about that.

Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:42 am
by Kimbles(imported)
SogonNaTakumi wrote:The MIDI tracks are password-protected to provide a slight nuisance to random people on the internet who might want to steal them for non-Telefang stuff.
That strikes me as really unlikely, but I mean, okay... >_>

This is pretty awesome though, the lyrics really sound like an anime OP song. XD My one complaint is that it's a bit hard to tell where they synch up with the tune, though... Guess I'll look forward to the vocal version. XD

Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:12 am
by SougonNaTakumi(imported)
wrote:That strikes me as really unlikely, but I mean, okay... >_>
Yeah, I guess it is a rather silly thing to be afraid of. I suppose if MediaFire doesn't even provide a search function (I just discovered that now), and my tracks don't seem to be indexed on Google or Yahoo yet, maybe I don't need to bother with a password. (removing)

As to having trouble syncing the lyrics, I think the reason might be that the electric guitar makes the strings (which have the main melody) a little hard to hear in some parts since it plays at least twice as many notes at the same time, but on the other hand I thought it sounded a little weak when I tried it with the guitar quieter. I'd initially thought that I'd take the relative volume on the whole background track down a little if necessary once I'd recorded the vocal track, though I'll have to see whether that actually sounds better or not in practice since my microphone (even though it's set to "DVD quality" and has the latest driver) doesn't do wonderful recordings, and the music sometimes helps to cover that up.

Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:18 pm
by KenjutheDenjuu(imported)
Just a thought, but you might want to change the title of this topic to make it clearer that it's fan made. Even though it's in the fanart section, someone might think there really is a Telefang anime (plus the 'you heard right' subheading might encourage people of that). Just to avoid confusion you see ^^; If you put something like 'Fan made opening theme' or something similar i'm sure that would do it.

It's nice that you've attempted an anime theme though, I think you're the first person to have actually written one (although a few people have thought about it) *hands you a cookie* ^^

Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:15 pm
by Selyte(imported)
It's a fantastic thing *W*

It will be nice if someone will sing it, and why not, doing an animation like as opening XD

Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:56 pm
by SougonNaTakumi(imported)
I just converted my midis to wavs to make them easier to work with in audio editors and made a tentative vocal version of the TV-size one. It of course doesn't sound as good as I'd imagined it thanks to my fail-tastic microphone (maybe the noise removal on it tries a little too hard... it puts this strange mechanical bubbling in the background like I'm singing in the middle of the ocean or something), but at least it should give somebody an idea of how to do a cover if anyone here has a better microphone. A small word of warning, though: my audio converter put a lot of silence at the end of the wavs for no apparent reason (maybe that's where the metadata lived?), so that needs to be trimmed off if and when you do that.

I'm not sure it'll ever get an animation, but I may actually make a storyboard of sorts showing what I'd imagined would go in the animation some time if I don't forget.

Re: Telefang anime opening song (fanmade)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:33 am
by Selyte(imported)
I want to see the storyboard *_*
And the vocal version is good! *W*